Mr. Xu Qin, Mayor of Shenzhen City,
Mrs. Luoli, President of the municipal federation in Shenzhen
We are writing to ask the Mayor of Shenzhen City and the municipal federation in Shenzhen to step in and give assistance in cases of Wu Guijun from Diweixin Product Factory in which worker are criminalized for the industrial actions they took to claim their labour rights. Wu was arrested by unknown reason more than 130 days! Illegal detention of WU Guijun for more than a hundred days
On 23 May Wu Guijun and nearly 200 workers from Diweixin Product Factory located in Shenzhen were arrested by the anti-riot police on the way to petition the Shiyan district government. They were asking the government to intervene in the one-month long severance negotiation with their employer which was closing down business for relocation from its Shenzhen plant to Huizhou city. Few days after the arrest, the factory management terminated the negotiation with the workers and sacked all the representatives including Wu Guijun. Since his detention on 23 May, Wu was denied free access to his lawyer and family. He is likely to be criminalized and charged by the public security for “assembling a crowd to disturb public order”.
Free Wu Guijun!
We regret to find that in this case, Wu and other worker leaders were alone in their struggle without receiving support from the trade union. We are concerned that industrial actions taken by workers for claiming their legal rights were put under criminal detention and charged. Although strike is not protected in the domestic laws, freedom of assembly is protected in the PRC Constitution.
Our demands:
- Defend the Worker’s Right to Strike!
- Protect the Worker leader in the Strike!
- Urge to give pressure to the government for the release of Mr. Wu and provide all the needed assistance to Mr. Wu and his family.
致:深圳市市長許勤; 深圳市總工會主席羅莉
深 圳的一千多萬外來工為深圳創造了三十多年的繁榮,但待遇和地位卻不相稱地一直處於弱勢,部份黑心老闆竟公然漠視法規,在政府主導的珠江三角洲地區改革發展 規劃綱要(2008-2020年)中提出的產業轉移和升值的大潮中依然拖欠工資、惡意侵吞工人應得經濟補償金。此時此刻,在中國政府決心邁向國際社會之 際,我們相信深圳市政府、深圳市人民檢察院是不會讓中國製造光環背後的勞動者進一步為資本欺侮。深圳政府必須通過釋放吳貴軍,向這些逃奔責任的投資者傳遞 一個嚴正的訊息:
罷工無罪, 要求捍衛工人合法權利
迪 威信傢俱用品(深圳)有限公司是1998年在深圳成立的 “三來一補”港資企業。2006年,工廠老闆夏海歐在惠州設廠,並逐漸將機器等資產轉移到惠州。2010年夏海歐在深圳另立“迪威信(深圳)傢俱用品有限 公司”,進一步為搬廠方便資產轉移。2013年2月,迪威信(深圳)傢俱用品有限公司 (下稱廸威信)訂單、工人加班的時間減少影響工資等眾多問題出現後,工人逐步減少至 300人左右,剩下的300多工人意識到關廠問題的嚴重性。 2013年初,廸威信工人聯名寫信給深圳當地的勞動部門和法院法官要求行政部門和司法部門要求介入,希望在企業搬遷變動的情況下工人的合法權益能夠得到合 法的保障和合理的經濟補償。然則,廸威信工人連署爭取無果。2013年5月,廸威信把最後的機器搬走。
2013年5月7日,迪威信工人為阻 止工廠把機器搬走,正式開始罷工,要求老闆就搬廠事宜和對工人的處理作出說明和交代,並依法發放因搬廠而需要賠償的經濟補償金。就此,工人多次與工廠、石 岩勞動站和石岩派出所交涉談判無果。在罷工兩星期期間,工人多次要求政府部門和工會介入事件,協助工人爭取賠償。工人也曾兩次集體到該區政府部門上訪,可 惜最後得到的,只是老闆賠償每名工人每工作一年補償人民幣400元的決定,這一標準遠遠低於法律的賠償標準(按《勞動合同法》經濟補償金應以一年一個月工 資的標準發放,而當時工人的月工資是2700元左右)。
2013年5月23日,工人在百般無奈之下向深圳市政府尋求幫助,惟300多名罷工工人往市政府途中遭遇深圳市公安部門圍堵, 200余名工人被抓捕。其中20余名工人被拘留13天,兩名工友被拘留37天,另一名工人──吳貴軍至今仍然被關押,至今已超過100天。
按 中國《勞動合同法》第46條的規定,工廠如果搬離本巿(即案中的深圳市),而工人又不願意跟工廠一起搬遷的話,用人單位應要補償工人經濟補償金。迪威信工 人罷工要求工廠按照法律規定給與賠償, 這是合情合理的。參與罷工的每一個工人只為爭取自己的合法權益, 並非違法行為,本應無罪!工人「有冤無路訴」的時候,工會在哪裡? 如今吳貴軍被起訴,更成為深圳市政府一直推動成立工會,維護工人權利旗幟中的一大敗筆與倒退。本年又正值廣東省總工會成立60年之盛事, 廣東省總工會力當為受屈冤獄的工人代表───吳貴軍頂起頭頂的一片青天。
我們作為在香港及國際社會致力推動 勞工權利的組織,嚴厲譴責地方公安此等抓捕手段, 刑事拘留打擊工人罷工權利的行為!我們看到, 罷工工人以及吳貴軍都只是爭取自己的應有勞動權益,並沒有破壞公共財物和私人財物,我們希望深圳市總工會為證工會保護工人權益的責任,積極介入支持吳貴軍 及其家人,幫助其免於被起訴並儘快無罪釋放吳貴軍!工會最主要的責任是保護工人的權益,我們希望深圳市總工會盡工會之責,亦同時緊急呼籲 廣東省總工會盡速查辦此起工人合法維權反被起訴的冤獄事件。
- 保障工人罷工權利
- 保護罷工工人代表
- 介入支持吳貴軍及其家人,幫助其免於被起訴並儘快無罪釋放吳貴軍
05 October 2013
Free Wu Guijun
If you would, gentle readers, please consider signing the petition here. Fundamental labour rights in mainland China often go unrepresented by ‘reformers’ and ‘public intellectuals’ (whose interests are visibly more oriented toward the ruling class), let alone by the official trade union federation here, but they are incredibly important nonetheless, and the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions is doing an invaluable service by mobilising for Mr Wu.
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