26 July 2022

Good general wisdom from VK

A Belarusian woman, Marishka B—, whose account I follow on VK posted the above two images to her public feed. I thought they made some very profound points in general, not just with relation to this war, so I’m resharing them here on my blog with a quick-and-dirty translation.
  1. Any war will end.

  2. Every nation is made up of different people. Not everyone participates in war. Don’t insult everyone in one group.

  3. The politicians will end up agreeing. And you? You’ll be left with the mud you fling at your ‘ideological opponents’.

  4. In wartime, EVERYONE lies. Don’t spread info that you're not 101% sure (or can’t verify) is true. If you want to write something, write only about what you saw with your own eyes. That’s being honest. The rest is participation in lies.

  5. If you want to express your attitude to politics, express it. It’s not necessary to insult someone [while doing so].

  6. You don’t like somebody else’s opinion, but you really want to speak out? Then speak out - about the opinion and not about the person. Because most often you don’t know them personally.

  7. Hating people you don’t know is pathological.

  8. People’s relationships are very complicated, even at the level of a family or a work group. [Relationships] between states are still more difficult. Only to idiots is everything clear and simple to understand. Don’t be an idiot. Don’t jump to conclusions.

  9. Always be human and remember point 1.
Some very sound advice from Ms. B—, to always be human no matter what side of an argument you fall on. I won’t pretend I’ve always been (or still am) a model of good online behaviour according to these nine points, but with God’s grace I can try.

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