20 December 2016

On converting from Anglicanism to Orthodoxy

A brief quote by philosopher Richard Swinburne:
I don't think I changed my beliefs in any significant way. I always believed in the Apostolic succession: that the Church has to have its authority dating back to the Apostles, and the general teaching of the Orthodox Church on the saints and the prayers for the departed and so on, these things I have always believed.
Though attaining the mind of the Church is indeed incredibly important to me, I want to be clear that Dr Swinburne has here better expressed than I could, my own attitude toward how and why I believe what I do, and why I consider myself Anglo-Orthodox. I am a member of, and a committed believer in, the One, Holy, Sobornyi and Apostolic Church. Full stop. But I still do not regard the Anglican Communion (or the West more generally) with anything less than a brotherly, familial fellow-feeling. And I still do not think even a whit less of the many good and thoughtful people who still make their spiritual homes there. But such reflection only deepens my consideration of why I had to leave it. Looking back, I find I did not change even a particle of what I believed. I felt only that such a belief was better expressed in a community which experienced that belief as a continuous, organic, living and incarnate reality.


  1. Why do you use the Russian phrase for Catholic rather than Catholic? What are the nuances you are trying to communicate, or is it avoiding the general use of Catholic as short for Roman Catholic?

  2. Mostly trying to convey that the Slavonic understanding of the Greek term 'Catholic' is related to and inseparable from the idea of sobornost'. Not trying to rub it in any Latin faces, so to speak. :P
